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+353 1 620 07 01



For Expert Members

Yes, you can. We welcome professionals across all industries and disciplines to join our platform

You can register with Focal Fact by following the link on our Home page (Become an Expert Member). After you have registered we will ask you to review and sign our Terms and Conditions for Consulting in electronic form.

We will either send you an email outlining the Client’s project and/or call you to discuss the project in more detail to assess the fit.

We cannot guarantee a minimum number of projects that we can send you. As each project for our Clients is unique, if we see a fit between your expertise and their request we will reach out to you
Most Focal Fact Expert Members enjoy sharing information they have accumulated over the years in their respective industries with our Clients. It is an opportunity to exchange thoughts with some of the world’s leading professionals, and, in addition, we will compensate you at an hourly rate for speaking with our Clients.

We will disclose the identity of the Client, provided you have agreed to our Terms and Conditions for Consulting. In rare cases, some Client firms prefer to remain anonymous to avoid bias in their research.

We will discuss your fit with our Client, and if they are interested in moving forward we will reach out to you to organize a mutually convenient time

Typically, no. Technology we use makes it easy for you to join with audio and video with just one click.

We ask all Expert Members to inform us in advance of any restrictions or limitations to what they can discuss so that we can inform the Client. This, in turn, allows us to not only manage conflict but also expectations on both sides.


For Clients

These should help you understand what we do, how we do it and the underlying processes that are in place.

Our approach to work as well as some services are different to those typically provided by other expert network firms. Our business model is flexible to suit most organizations’ needs. Reach out to us to discuss in more detail

We have a network and connections with over 35,000 professionals globally. The network is constantly expanding.

Once you become our Client you will be able to independently setup new projects and manage existing ones via our platform

We will introduce you to experts who are most well suited to consult on your subject. We will provide you with an overview of their expertise and background so that you can make a decision if you want to have a consultation with them
Yes, most Expert Members would be happy to write a custom report on a subject of your interest
Yes, while we do work with Expert Members who are both employed and self-employed, those who are typically in an independent capacity would have less restrictions to travel.

Short answer, no. We welcome your feedback on your interaction with an Expert Member so that we can share it with an Expert. We will also send you a monthly invoice for payment

Yes, our VAT number is IE3573514LH